Morning headaches are a common symptom of sleep apnea and can pose a serious risk for patients with conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.
Starting your day with a painful headache is an unpleasant routine all-too-many suffer every single day.
Dry mouth, snoring, and waking up gasping during the night all contribute to sleepiness and difficulty concentrating many adults struggle with daily.
Many of us have a keen understanding of the challenges shift work imposes on their overall health. And no matter when your workday begins, waking refreshed and clear minded is something everyone deserves. Take our free Online sleep quiz to help determine if you are at risk for sleep apnea.
Anyone operating heavy equipment or working late nights, soon realizes the important role sleep plays in their overall health and happiness.

Adults 50 years and older with higher-than-normal BMI and neck circumference greater than 16 inches for women and 17 inches for men may benefit from using a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP).
A surprising number of Canadians continue to believe that CPAP machines are loud, bulky, and too uncomfortable to wear at night. In truth, CPAP advances have made both the machines and masks easy-to-use and ultra-comfortable.
Here is a Top 10 list of CPAP tips for a great night’s sleep.
Mask Fitting
Get your mask professionally fitted. A mask that doesn’t properly fit you will decrease your success of therapy. A sleep therapist at RHS can insure a proper fit and will know the latest technology in masks to increase your sleep therapy comfort.
Clean Your Equipment
Run a clean machine. A daily routine of cleaning both your mask and hose will help make sure you’re ready for a great night’s sleep. Use a CPAP mask wipe every day to clean away dirt, and add a Lumin to your cleaning routine, to kill germs that may grow on your mask.
Reduce Caffeine
No caffeine after 3:00 p.m. Caffeine, a powerful stimulant, is found in coffee, tea, energy drinks and some sodas. Let your body unwind and prepare for deep, restful sleep.
Set a Bedtime
Set a bedtime hour and follow a routine. Choose a time that works best with your lifestyle and work schedule. Try ideally for 8 or 9 hours of sleep and then do your best to stick to your routine.
Set Up Your Machine
Set up your nightstand so that your CPAP machine is within reach and comfortably connects to your mask. Make sure there is enough space so you can easily put on or remove your mask during the night if necessary.
Reduce Screen Time
Try to limit your screen time at least one hour before bed. The stimulation from television, phones, and computers can adversely affect the relaxed state needed to fall into a deep peaceful sleep. Learn more about how technology can effect your sleep.
When in doubt, just add lots of fresh air and exercise. Whenever possible, get a least an hour of fresh air and a good walk with family or friends. Exercise helps with circulation, endorphins, and all kinds of physiological benefits necessary for a full night’s sleep.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol doesn’t help you snooze. Alcohol is a depressant and can affect breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. So, try to limit your alcohol intake before bedtime and you will feel a positive difference in the morning.
Maintain Your Equipment
Make sure to replace your mask and hose as directed, and follow-up with your sleep provider to stay up to date with all your CPAP equipment needs. Ordering CPAP supplies is easy. Our service for life team is here to help.
Order online or call toll free:
Stay On Therapy
Don’t let travel ruin a good night’s sleep. Most of you recognize just how great you feel when using your CPAP machine. If it is a hassle to take your CPAP machine along when you travel, call your sleep provider about the small and compact travel machines now available.
You can enjoy camping, sailing, and weekend getaways – just bring along a travel machine and then truly enjoy your time away.